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This game was nice. Looking forward to the full game. 

Thank you! I'm so happy that you liked it

idk if there is still something wrong with the browser version, but it'll glitch sometimes and you can't continue the story. The Bg music changes when it happens. Otherwise, the game plays really well. The only other bit of criticism I have is that some of the dialogue doesn't read well when you read it out loud. Aside from that, the art style is unique. The characters interact well with each other. With some polishing, I really hope your project does well in the future. Keep up the amazing work.

Thank you for the feedback! The browser version is a lot more glitchy and may take longer to load new scenes than the downloadable version. If what you are describing is parts of the game where the location changes then that's what it is. There's not much I can do to change that. Sorry.

The game is pretty good!!!! hoping to play the rest soon!!!

Thank you!

Everything works great, thanks for fixing the game, I really liked it and we found the bug in time. Sprite graphics are beautiful like all games.


Thanks alot for pointing the bug out. I'm glad you enjoyed it:)

!!!Your game won’t load, it says that the files are missing, please correct this!!! :)


I second that. This is the error I got when I tried to start the game - 


Thank you! BRowser and windows should work now


Thank you! The browser and windows one should be fixed now!